Co-Change supports the implementation of institutional change among research and innovation actors in the areas of research ethics, open science, stakeholder engagement, science education, gender equality and sustainability. The partners form a network of research organisations, research funding and government agencies, firms, ethics councils, and civil society organisations. Together, they develop tools and practices for responsible research and innovation, for example, to reflect on internal norms, values and practices, and to build capacity for governance and management, ethical and social impact monitoring, and assessment.
Latest News
2024. 08. 30. Call for Papers on Responsible Standardisation - Where Standardisation and Responsible Innovation meet The NEN Co-Change lab inspires: TUDelft and SciencesPo collaborate with the journal Ethics and Information Technology for a topical collection on the relationship between Responsible Innovation and standardisation. The call for contributions is open until 31 October 2024. -
2024. 05. 01. AIT AI Ethics Lab at the Monash University in Australia: The twin transition is taking up speed – yet are we in the driver’s or the passenger’s seat? What happened to the twin transition? Is it helpful to treat digital and sustainability transitions separately? -
2024. 01. 18. FAIR-AI – a new project with the AIT AI Ethics Lab in the lead In our collaborative work between social scientists and software developers within the AIT AI Ethics Lab, we discussed the challenges for software developers in dealing with ethics-related and legal concerns in their daily work. Now, FAIR-AI aims to develop a system to provide them with support.
Upcoming events
Change labs
The Co-Change Labs are spaces for experimentation, where we work to better address societal challenges. The lab teams produce customised tools to make research and innovation more responsible. Our cooperation partners operate as a network of research performing, and research funding organisations as well as various societal stakeholders. Some labs are more technology-specific, e.g., oriented towards artificial intelligence and autonomous systems technologies. Other labs are more oriented at specific practices, e.g., working on open science, gender equality, and sustainability.
More about change labsOutcomes
- Responsible innovation and societal challenges: The multi-scalarity dilemma Publication
- Towards responsible standardisation: investigating the importance of responsible innovation for standards development Publication
- Operationalizing contested problem-solution spaces: The case of Dutch circular construction Publication