Location: Vienna, Austria
2023. 10. 24. | Public Digitalisation and Ethics Experts from the AIT AI Ethics Lab and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport will provide the course "Digitalisation and Ethics - How to apply ethical principles in a digitalised administration?" at the Austrian Federal Academy of Public Administration. -
2023. 06. 14. | Public Eu-SPRI 2023 Conference Eu-SPRI 2023 Conference Call for Papers is now open! Deadline for abstract submission: 23rd Jan 23, 23:59 GMT. We're inviting submissions of abstracts based on original research engaging with the theme of 'Research with Impact' and broader STI themes! -
2023. 05. 08. | Public STS Conference Graz 2023 The 21th Annual STS Conference Graz 2023 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ samples a number of thematic fields as a guideline to address contemporary challenges of the interplay between science, technology and society. The call for session proposals is open until the 3rd of November. -
2023. 02. 06. | Public Co-Change Final Conference We are going to celebrate our final conference in Budapest, Hungary, on the 6th and 7th of February, 2023. Join us online or in person in the historical downtown of Budapest. -
2022. 12. 01. | Public The third RRI Roundtable The third RRI roundtable will be hosted by VTT in Espoo, Finland. The first two meetings have been a success and engaged experts in a lively debate about RRI. We hope to continue the discussion with European scholars and practitioners! In the third meeting, we will consider the future prospects of RRI. -
2022. 11. 06. | Invitation only The Annual Summit Of High Level Forum 2022 The High Level Forum, the international network of innovation ecosystems, brings together international executives, decision and policy makers from the worlds of education, research, industry, business, economy and public authorities, all deeply engaged in the management or promotion of Innovation within their regional ecosystem and often, worldwide. -
2022. 10. 13. | Public What can Responsible Research and Innovation offer Smart Specialisation Strategies in their reorientation towards sustainability? This event will take stock of some experiences promoting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to Smart Specialisation Strategies in their reorientation towards sustainability, and address addressing how RRI can be integrated into regional innovation and development policies. The event is organised by the TetTRRIS consortium as a side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities. -
2022. 10. 05. | Public ECSA 2022 Conference The 4th ECSA Conference runs under the cross-cutting theme of Citizen Science for Planetary Health. The concept of planetary health is based on the understanding that human health and human civilization depend on thriving natural systems and the sustainable stewardship of those natural systems. This demands not only knowledge, commitment and engagement of health and environmental sciences, but inter- and transdisciplinary efforts from all research fields and societal and political actors. -
2022. 06. 29. | Public 9th Living Knowledge Conference The 9th Living Knowledge Conference aims to bring together all those involved in doing or supporting research with and for communities. What can we learn from each other’s approaches? How can we collaborate? Which links have been forged and which could we still make? On our network’s 22nd anniversary we will celebrate our achievements and look forward into the future! -
2022. 05. 25. | Public Sustainable and healthy living environments – How to mobilize citizens’ knowledge? Citizens have knowledge about their living environments that could inform better policies. But how to mobilize people’s own knowledge about their local environments into decision making? A growing number of citizen science initiatives demonstrate how large crowds can be enrolled in collecting data about environmental changes, often with the help of digital tools. They enable novel forms of interaction between citizens, science and policymaking. The webinar of KARKKI Project focuses on the experiences and methodologies developed in response to the increasing hunger for data about sustainability and citizens’ narrow role in expert-led decision-making. -
2022. 05. 02. | Public Open Science: Ambition versus Reality – call for abstracts Research funders (RFO) hold a very responsible part in the game of science: trying to identify gaps and needs of the scientific community, academic institutions, and local stakeholders. In this session at STS Conference Graz, we want to dig deeper into this field of tension, first by providing insights into how the Vienna Science and Technology Fund is currently converging towards Open Science and what considerations, obstacles and opportunities are encountered and to provoke a dialog between RFOs and researchers about the multi-perspective dimensions of open science. -
2022. 05. 02. | Public STS Conference Graz The 20th Annual STS Conference Graz 2022 "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies" is the joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of Graz University of Technology, the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture and the Institute for Advanced Studies of Science, Technology and Society.The call for session proposals is now open. -
2022. 04. 28. | Public Artificial Intelligence, global differences and inequalities The workshop will explore the challenges and responsibilities that arise from the development and (commercial) use of AI in a context of socio-economic inequalities as well as differences in cultural values, political systems, regulation, scientific capacities, and other factors. The keynote speaker of the event is Prof. Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, the Chairperson of the UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. -
2022. 04. 22. | Public Mutual learning & exchange between RFOs to foster institutional change This webinar will take the format of facilitated exchange between less advanced and advanced organisations, where the first will pose questions related to setting up and implementing a GEP and the second will try to address the questions by presenting their experience. The duration will be approximately an hour with the participation of four RFOs. The session will be offered to the SUPERA GEP implementing partners and it will be opened to interested RFOs across Europe. -
2022. 03. 25. | Public SUPERA Final Conference The final conference of the SUPERA Project (Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia) will take place on Friday, 25th March 2022 (9:30-16:30 CET). The sustainability of institutional change for gender equality will be the core topic of the day. -
2022. 03. 15. | Public AI in support of Civil Society: webinar This first virtual workshop will outline the preliminary findings of our project on the mapping of AI functionalities in the Civil Security domain, including identified connected controversies. One of the key objectives of the popAI workshop is to ensure that the diversity of experiences of citizens and LEAs within Europe and the civil security domain are addressed. -
2022. 03. 09. | Public Opening up Research and Innovation - online session Dr. Andrew Adams will present the philosophical and practical case for opening up research and innovation. He will explain what does ‘open’ mean for papers, data, science, innovation and knowledge and why should researchers and innovators care to make their work open. -
2022. 02. 15. | Public Call for papers - Eu-SPRI Conference Submit papers for the 2022 Eu-SPRI conference: “Challenging Science and Innovation Policy”. The annual Eu-SPRI conference is the leading event in science, technology and innovation policy in Europe, with a broad attendance of scientists as well as policymakers. The key objectives of the conference are to provide a forum for scholars in the areas of research and innovation policy analysis, to exchange ideas, and to present findings across disciplinary boundaries. -
2022. 02. 08. | Public The Role of Citizens in EU Missions Implementation The TIME4CS consortium invites you to the 1st Citizen Science Helix Event – The Role of Citizens in the EU Missions Implementation, which will take place on 8 February from 1.30 PM to 5.00 PM (CET). -
2022. 01. 21. | Public Understanding barriers and drivers to facilitate responsible research and innovation (RRI) in organization contexts The objective of this session is to understand the institutional and organizational changes required for a transformation of regional research and innovation ecosystems towards RRI; and in particular for building capacity for citizen and community engagement. We propose to discuss whether and how RRI can open up a window of opportunity at research performing or funding organizations to call the currently dominant internal logics into question by ethical and political reflections; and how can actors transform and be transformed by the existing RRI discourses and practices. -
2022. 01. 20. | Public TeRRItoria final conference - RRI institutional changes for improved regional governance The Final TeRRItoria Webinar series aims to on the one hand put forward the experiences gained within the 3 years of TeRRItoria journey, at the same time provide some theoretical means as well as practical experiences that are useful to design institutional changes in territories to implement effective RRI principles into R&I ecosystems and governance structures at regional and local level. -
2021. 12. 07. | Public The conference of the European Science Engagement Association Enjoy mind-opening keynotes, interactive panels and co-creative workshops on the future of Public Engagement in Europe! -
2021. 11. 24. | Public Science for Policy - Maximise your Policy Impact The scientific world has changed beyond recognition in recent years. The days when scientists produced reports and expected policy-makers to read and then act upon them are long gone! -
2021. 11. 18. | Public Call for Session Proposals for ESOF2022 Call for Session Proposals for ESOF2022! -
2021. 11. 18. | Public European R&I Policy Evaluation Conference The REvaluation Conference 2021 invites extended abstracts, poster or multi-media submissions in 4 thematic strands. -
2021. 11. 08. | Invitation only Forum 3 The Co-Change platform organizes a series of four interconnected gatherings, called Forums, to support mutual learning and exchange between the Co-Change Labs, their ecosystems and Advisory and Sounding Boards. The third Co-Change Forum took place online on 8 and 9 November 2021 and was co-hosted by AIT from Austria and Tecnalia from Spain. -
2021. 10. 26. | Public GRACE final webinars As the GRACE project comes to an end, project partners will share their findings and provide stakeholders with useful knowledge to implement RRI in research performing and funding organisations by organising a set of eight thematic webinars. From 26 October to 14 December, these webinars will each address a different topic related to GRACE, with the participation of experts inside and outside of the project. -
2021. 10. 19. | Public Responsible Innovation Summit The Responsible Innovation Summit showcases the leaders around the world influencing responsible digital transformation. Series of events will take place online over 4-days to explore how to use the power of innovation to create a more sustainable and just economy. Various opportunities will be open for change-maker innovators to be inspired, learn and network. Central theme of the 2021 conference: How to make change happen? -
2021. 10. 06. | Public Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi), together with PRIA and University of Victoria, are pleased to invite you to the Webinar - book launch “Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy” that will be held on October 6th, 2021 at 4pm CEST. -
2021. 10. 05. | Public 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) The 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) will be hosted from Karlsruhe, Germany from October 5 to 8, 2021. The IST is the central event of the international transitions research community and is organized annually by different partners on behalf of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN). STRN comprises more than 1500 international researchers from various disciplines and produces more than 500 publications in specialist journals every year. The research network and the annual conference address the question of how the transition to sustainability can succeed through co-evolutionary changes and innovations in socio-technical systems. IST 2021 is hosted by Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. -
2021. 09. 29. | Public SeeRRI Conference The SeeRRI Final Conference will bring together policymakers, regional stakeholders, researchers, members of SeeRRI and related projects, EU officials, citizens interested in the future of Europe, and speakers for knowledge-sharing and lively debates about the future of responsible regional planning and responsible research and innovation (RRI). -
2021. 09. 27. | Public ORION Open Science Final Conference Join the final ORION Open Science Conference on 27-28 September to learn about and discuss achievements and lessons learned throughout the ORION project from 2017 to 2021. The conference is free of charge and open to anyone interested in Open Science and RRI practices, and its future national and international implications. -
2021. 09. 10. | Public RRING Community Networking Event The event will provide a valuable networking opportunity for RRING Community members and a chance to engage directly with other RRING participants around salient issues.The goal is to begin a process of attempting to build sub-groups / networks on these issues within the RRING community. -
2021. 09. 08. | Public IAMRRI Future Talk Scope of the IAMRRI Future Talk is to give a comprehensive overview of the results and outcomes of the IAMRRI project. Each topic investigated in the project will be presented by various speakers in 6 sessions. A future talk is part of each session and will open up the discussion on the future of the RRI opening in new evolving innovation system such as webs of innovation value chains. -
2021. 09. 06. | Public Online Workshop: Responsible Innovation for Smart Public Transport Workshop on September 6th, 14:00 – 15:30 CEST organised by ISINNOVA, De Montfort University, WU Vienna and Siemens Dear colleague, Smart public transport is essential to meet the challenges of urbanization. 50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas and this number is expected to increase to 70% by 2050. In order to prepare for new digital ecosystems correctly, smart public transport will require responsible innovation of many stakeholders from different industries. -
2021. 06. 30. | Public 9th Living Knowledge Conference 2021 | Synergies in Research with and for Communities The 9th Living Knowledge Conference aims to bring together all those involved in doing or supporting research with and for communities. -
2021. 06. 23. | Public European Research and Innovation Days The European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. -
2021. 06. 09. | Public ECSITE Conference 2021 Everyone committed to inspiring people with science and technology is invited to join the largest European science engagement conference and meet with 1200+ peers. -
2021. 06. 01. | Public How economics can save the world Protecting nature‘s invaluable contributions to humankind is the critical challenge of the coming decades. -
2021. 05. 17. | Public New HoRRIzon Final Conference The virtual final conference of the NewHoRRIzon Project will inform attendees about the achievements and lessons learned in the H2020 project. -
2021. 05. 10. | Public Good quality science communication in a digital world The RETHINK Workshop will present research results on how quality criteria could be applied by actors ranging from university press officers to bloggers. -
2021. 05. 03. | Invitation only Co-creating human-centred policies – for a better Europe How do we create a culture of citizen engagement in policymaking across Europe? We’d like you to join us in exploring this at the final SISCODE conference “Co-creating human-centred policies – for a better Europe” from May 3rd-7th, 2021. During the free and virtual conference, we dive into the challenges and outcomes of co-creating policies with our citizens. -
2021. 05. 03. | Public STS Conference Graz 2021 | Critical issues in science, technology & society studies Open Science, Digitalization of Society, Mobility: A Socio-Technical System on the Way to Sustainability?, Gender, Science and Technology -
2021. 04. 29. | Public Café Sci: Adapt or Die? Surviving takes effort. Responding to changing and imposed conditions is adaptation. And some of us have it down better than others, take for example octopus. -
2021. 04. 28. | Public FAIRsFAIR-OpenAIRE workshop: National policy and support actions for research data skills - impact and experiences The European University Association organises a workshop on research data management. -
2021. 04. 22. | Public New European Bauhaus Conference The 1st #NewEuropeanBauhaus conference is around the corner! -
2021. 04. 19. | Public Virtual Summit on the Future of Socially Responsible Research & Innovation The RRING project two-day final summit brings together the key learnings and insights from its activities. -
2021. 03. 23. | Public What are the ethical, social and legal challenges of emerging technologies? Three major EU-funded projects, SIENNA, SHERPA and PANELFIT in collaboration with STOA are coming together to discuss their findings and provide the context for a discussion on the policy options for the ethical governance of disruptive technologies. -
2021. 03. 18. | Public #ResponsibleRegions – Fifth Dialogue #ResponsibleRegions is a series of monthly webinars dealing with the concepts of the Smart Specialisation Strategy and RRI. -
2021. 03. 12. | Public EARTO Annual Conference 2021 The conference focused on “Ensuring Europe’s Sustainable Recovery through Technology”. It featured high-level speakers from the European Institutions, Industry, as well as RTOs. -
2021. 02. 22. | Invitation only Forum 2 The Co-Change platform organizes a series of four interconnected gatherings, called Forums, to support mutual learning and exchange between the Co-Change Labs, their ecosystems and Advisory and Sounding Boards. Forum 2 took place online on 22 and 23 February 2021 and was co-hosted by AIT from Austria and VTT from Finland. -
2021. 01. 28. | Public Science communication with a Gender Perspective ResBios Open Dialogues Science communication with a Gender Perspective: what does this really mean? A closer look into biosciences -
2021. 01. 01. | Public What role is there for RRI in Horizon Europe? Watch an interview with Erich Griessler, our sounding board member. -
2021. 01. 01. | Public Try RRI! A guide for Responsible Research and Innovation In this online course, you will learn how to apply Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in your own work. First by understanding why it is important to act responsibly in your research and innovation processes at all. -
2020. 12. 09. | Public Digital human rights and the future of democracy: Lessons from the pandemic 09 December 2020, 15:00 - 17:00 | Panel for the Future of Science and Technology -
2020. 12. 06. | Public Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival | 6-12 December Deliberative democracy and citizen engagement can be effective responses to the erosion of trust in democratic institutions, as well as helping to develop better policies by including all those concerned in more direct ways. -
2020. 11. 30. | Public Engage Festival 2020: Engagement, innovation and change Join us to reflect on the future of engagement in a Covid-19 world. -
2020. 11. 16. | Invitation only STIR training with Erik Fisher Co-Change will organise three half-day of interactive sessions on the 16th, 19th and 25th of November. -
2020. 11. 04. | Public Open Science Cafe The Orion Open Science Train-the-Trainer course is offering an online Open Science Café. -
2020. 11. 03. | Public Everything you wanted to ask about science advice #AskRolf How to make politicians listen to and understand science? Ask Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the Chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission. -
2020. 09. 23. | Invitation only Forum 1 The Co-Change platform organizes a series of four interconnected gatherings, called Forums, to support mutual learning and exchange between the Co-Change Labs, their ecosystems and Advisory and Sounding Boards. The first Co-Change Forum took place on 23 and 24 September 2020 and was hosted virtually by consortium partner AIT from Vienna, Austria. -
2020. 06. 26. | Public Webinar: The role of science and science funders in the time of the COVID-19 crisis Science has been propelled to the forefront in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and will have a critical role in informing global recovery strategies to the “new normal” in a post-COVID-19 world. How can we maximize its impact?