Date: 2022. 12. 31. | WP2 Download
- D1.1 Stocktaking report The stocktaking report describes successful and failed practices in the implementation of RRI, includes an analysis of existing tools for implementing RRI, and summarise findings from the stocktaking workshop. 2020. 07. 31. download
- D1.2 Institutional environment and ecosystem analysis report The institutional environment and ecosystem analysis report summarises the anlysis of institutional structures, incentives and barriers as well as mutual dependencies of R&I ecosystem actors for each Co-Change Lab. Furthermore, the report includes recommendations regarding the institutional factors and actor positions that should be changed if the respective RRI was successfully implemented in our pilot cases. 2020. 08. 31. download
- D2.1 Guidelines for forums and labs This document provides structural and procedural Information on how to plan and execute labs and forums. 2020. 09. 30. download
- D2.2 Short Report on Forum 1 The Co-Change platform organizes a series of four interconnected Forums to support mutual learning and exchange between the Co-Change Labs, their ecosystems and Advisory and Sounding Boards. This Deliverable documents the design and the outcomes of Forum 1 and thus serves as a basis for guiding vital next development steps by the Labs and the project in general. 2020. 11. 30. WP2 download
- D2.3 Short Report on Forum 2 The Co-Change platform organizes a series of four interconnected Forums to support mutual learning and exchange between the Co-Change Labs, their ecosystems and Advisory and Sounding Boards. This Deliverable documents the design and the outcomes of Forum 2 and thus serves as a basis for guiding vital next development steps by the Labs and the project in general. 2021. 01. 30. WP2 download
- D2.4 Short Report on Forum 3 The Co-Change platform organizes a series of four interconnected Forums to support mutual learning and exchange between the Co-Change Labs, their ecosystems and Advisory and Sounding Boards. This Deliverable documents the design and the outcomes of Forum 3 and thus serves as a basis for guiding vital next development steps by the Labs and the project in general. 2021. 12. 21. WP2 download
- D2.5 Short Report on Forum 4 This Deliverable documents the design and the outcomes of the fourth and final Forum 4 and thus aims at collecting results of the Labs and the project, as well as guiding further steps. The Report first introduces the objectives, design principles, and resulting agenda of the Forum. It then describes the main thematic sessions with inputs and highlights of subsequent discussions. It concludes with feedback and an outlook on the next steps in the Co-Change project. 2022. 07. 31. WP2 download
- D2.6 Update to Co-Change Guidelines This document represents an update of the initial guidelines (D2.1) based on practical learnings in change labs and platform. 2022. 09. 30. restricted
- D3.1 Situated adaption of guideline on common framework for change labs This document describes the adaptations of the general Guidelines (produced in WP2) for each Co-Change lab. 2020. 10. 31. download
- D3.2 Report on call for innovative RRI practices This Report describes the process and the results of the Call for innovative RRI practices. 2021. 05. 31. WP3 download
- D3.3 Report on change labs The Report on Co-Change labs will describe the implementation and main results of all Co-Change labs. 2022. 09. 30. restricted
- D3.4 Report on sustainability plan for Co-Change labs This report describes the measures planned to sustain RRI practices and instutional changes beyond the project's lifetime. 2022. 09. 30. download
- D4.1 Tool for a systemic RRI self-evaluation and impact assessment The reflexivity tool describes a model of how RRI practices can understood and assessed in an ecosystem perspective. 2022. 07. 31. WP2 download
- D4.2 Toolbox on implementing RRI on organization and system levels The toolbox contains a set of measures and actions to strengthen the system level impacts of responsibility actions in and among research funding and research performing organizations. 2022. 12. 31. WP2 download
- D5.1 Communication and dissemination plan The communication and dissemination plan includes information (title, date, location, content) on significant events (conferences, seminars, workshops) which will be organised in the course of Co-Change. This information will be updated at each reporting period. 2020. 04. 30. download
- D5.2 Construction of a website portal This report describes the Project Website set up for Dissemination purposes. 2020. 06. 30. WP5 download
- D5.3 Policy brief 1 In light of policy feedback to the European Commission, a short policy brief is developed covering insights from the first reporting period. 2021. 04. 30. WP5 download
- D5.4 Policy brief 2 Based on the concrete lessons learned about conducting research in the spirit of RRI from the EU-funded project Co-Change, we have formulated recommendations for policymakers at the EU, regional, and national level as well as managers of research performing organisations and research-funding organisations. 2022. 10. 31. WP5 download
- D5.5 Final report on dissemination activities This report provides a list and description of all dissemination actions conducted by project partners 2023. 03. 31. WP5 download
- D6.1 Assessment of added value of RRI based on change labs and KPIs The assessment of added value of RRI provides information the assessment framework including selected key performance indicators for change labs based on RRI principles. 2021. 07. 31. WP6 download
- D6.2 Comparative analysis of the change labs: Insights emerging from the application of the framework to the change labs This report contains the results and recommendations derived from applying the assessment framework to various change labs. 2022. 10. 31. WP6 download
- D7.1 Data Management Plan The Data Management Plan (DMP) outlines which and how data are to be handled both during a research project and after the project is completed. 2020. 07. 31. WP7 download
- D7.2 Update management plan This report provides an updated version of the initial Data Management Plan. 2022. 12. 31. WP7 download
- D8.1 H - Requirement No. 1 "The procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants must be submitted as a deliverable. If required, copies of opinions/approvals by ethics committees and/or competent authorities for the research with humans must be obtained and kept on file." 2020. 07. 31. download
- D8.2 H - POPD - Requirement No. 2 "The informed consent procedures, including for the processing of personal and sensitive data, that will be implemented for the participation of humans must be submitted as a deliverable. Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets (in language and terms intelligible to the participants), including for data processing, must be kept on file." 2020. 07. 31. download
- D8.3 POPD - Requirement No. 3 "The host institution must confirm that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the contact details of the DPO are made available to all data subjects involved in the research. For host institutions not required to appoint a DPO under the GDPR a detailed data protection policy for the project must be submitted as a deliverable. A description of the technical and organisational measures, including security measures and anonymisation techniques, that will be implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects/research participants must be submitted as a deliverable. In case personal data are transferred from the EU to a non-EU country confirmation that such transfers are in accordance with Chapter V of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, must be submitted as a deliverable. In case personal data are transferred from a non-EU country to the EU (or another third state), confirmation that such transfers comply with the laws of the country in which the data was collected must be submitted as a deliverable. In case of further processing of previously collected personal data, an explicit confirmation that the beneficiary has lawful basis for the data processing and that the appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to safeguard the rights of the data subjects must be submitted as a deliverable." 2020. 07. 31. download