2021. 04. 21.
Focus on WPs
In a series of #COCHANGE2020 blog posts, we introduce our Co-Changers, the WP leads who are behind our project machinery:
Petra Wagner is the Co-Change WP2 leader on building a platform for mutual learning and capacities for transformative change. She is Senior Expert Advisor and Deputy Head of the Center of Innovation Systems and Policy at AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology.
Antonia Bierwirth is the Co-Change WP3 leader on the RRI implementation in Co-Change Labs. She is project manager and RRI advocate at Tecnalia Research & Innovation in Spain.
Mika Nieminen is the Co-Change WP1 leader on the systemic understanding of RRI implementation and fostering a common understanding and language among project partners. He is team leader at VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Emad Yaghmaei is the Co-Change WP6 leader on developing metrics for the evaluation of Responsible Innovation. He is senior Researcher at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, in the Netherlands.