- Story Map on Gender Equality of the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture The Co-Change Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, focuses on several RRI keys. It is working on the implementation of gender equality, open access, and science education within the faculty. In this visual material you can see their roadmap towards gender equality at the faculty. 2022. 04. 27. view
- Story Map of the Vienna Science and Technology Fund on Open Science The Co-Change Lab at the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) is working on the implementation of a new open science policy within the organisation. 2022. 06. 14. view
- Story Map of the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute on Institutionalizing Responsibility The Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN) has started various research projects to explore how standardization can be made more socially responsible. The Delft University of Technology has explored what factors motivate, obstruct, and facilitate social responsibility in standardisation processes. As such, it supports NEN in understanding how it can better align its activities with the values, needs, and expectations of society. 2022. 07. 25. view
- Story Map of the AI Ethics Lab of the Austrian Institute of Technology The Co-Change Lab at AIT, the Austrian Institute of Technology, focuses on addressing the promises and challenges associated with research work on and the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence. An interdisciplinary team of social and data scientists is working on AI ethics. 2022. 09. 21. view
- Story Map of the Technical Research Centre of Finland on Shaping Responsibility and Sustainibility The Co-Change Lab at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) focuses on co-designing and implementing VTT’s sustainability programme. This work is a collaborative process that involves VTT’s sustainability responsibility researchers and the nominated responsibility task force. 2022. 09. 30. view
- Story Map of the Council of Tampere Region on Responsible Regional Innovation Policy The Co-Change Lab at the Council of Tampere Region focuses on developing regional funding to improve responsibility and sustainability. 2022. 10. 03. view
- Story Map of Tecnalia on Shaping Responsibility in an Applied Research Center The Change Lab of TECNALIA aims to systematically introduce and implement RRI principles and reflect on the relationship between science and society in TECNALIA. The Lab is led by POINT (Policies for Innovation and Technology), a cross-cutting policy team from Tecnalia, which enriches TECNALIA’s value proposition due to its capacity to incorporate diverse political, social, and economic dimensions based on a better understanding of the innovation ecosystem dynamics. TECNALIA is the largest centre for applied research and technological development in Spain, a benchmark in Europe, and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. 2022. 12. 08. view
- Story Map of the Delft University of Technology on Institutionalizing Responsible Innovation in Resilient Deltas Resilience Delta tackles societal challenges in the Rotterdam delta region through interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches. TU Delft provides RRI tools that might both enhance the social desirability and effectiveness of their work. 2023. 01. 13. view
We set up our Zenodo community, an open access research data repository, to make the project’s research content and deliverables visible. You find there our deliverables, policy briefs, publications and other project-relevant materials.
- Responsible innovation and societal challenges: The multi-scalarity dilemma 2023. 10. 29. view
- Towards responsible standardisation: investigating the importance of responsible innovation for standards development Responsible Innovation has recently been taken up in public policies and discourses. However, it remains challenging to institutionalise its core dimensions – inclusion, anticipation, responsiveness, reflexivity, and transparency – in practice. De jure standardisation is increasingly seen as an instrument to embed the core principles of Responsible Innovation in innovation processes, because of its anticipatory and inclusive nature. Yet, Responsible Innovation within the standardisation literature is an under-researched field of study. This paper explores and evaluates the relative importance of Responsible Innovation’s core dimensions in the standards development process. We identify eighteen criteria that are deemed essential to the quality of standardisation processes. The Best-Worst Method was used to rank these criteria on their perceived importance. Diversity of participation was found to be the most important contributing factor to the quality of standardisation. 2023. 07. 26. view
- Operationalizing contested problem-solution spaces: The case of Dutch circular construction In shaping collective responses to societal challenges, we currently lack an understanding of how to grasp and navigate conflicting ideas on societal problems and potential solutions. The problem-solution space is an increasingly popular framework for conceptualizing the extent to which problem-oriented and solution-oriented views are divergent. However, this reflexive framework needs an operationalization to become useful in practice. We contribute to this debate by demonstrating how Q-methodology can be used to systematically identify, describe, and compare collectively held visions in relation to problems and solutions. We use the case of Dutch circular construction, and identify three conflicting imaginaries that inform us about disagreement and common ground. We conclude by discussing how policymakers can use different approaches to navigate contestation, presumably mobilizing actors for a collective response. 2023. 07. 26. view
- Ethical AI: Why and How? Given the numerous opportunities provided by rapidly evolving digital innovations, we need to address and assess the social and political risks that come with naively applying AI algorithms, especially in high-risk sectors. We argue that though the existing guidelines and regulations are a good starting point, we still need to implement effective solutions that can be integrated into the current workflow of developing ethical AI applications. We introduce the idea of AI Ethics Labs as institutionalised “spaces for doubt” providing platforms for a frequent and intensive collaboration between developers and social scientists, thus reducing the potential risks of developed algorithms. 2022. 10. 13. view
- Public participation in mission-oriented innovation projects Mission-oriented innovation policy is currently gaining renewed interest as an approach for addressing societal challenges. One of the promises is that missions can mobilise and align diverse stakeholders around a shared goal. Recent literature underlines the importance of public participation (e.g. municipalities and civil society organisations) in the socioeconomic transformations required for attaining missions. We ask how public participation differs among (non-)mission-oriented innovation projects. Drawing on a database containing Dutch government-funded innovation projects, we investigate whether mission-oriented projects are associated with earlier, more open, and more influential forms of public participation than conventional projects. 2023. 03. 28. view
- Co-Change ANIMATION VIDEO This is a short animation film about responsible research and innovation (RRI). The video shows why it is important for researchers, research institutes to build relationships with society and how to integrate this into their institutional operations. The video was created by the Co-Change Project which supports the implementation of institutional change among research and innovation actors in the areas of research ethics, open science, science education, gender equality, and sustainability. 2022. 11. 06. view
- A comprehensive appraisal of RRI: From roots to leaves Responsible Research and Innovation and Responsible Innovation, as academic endeavours, have grown substantially since their birth in the previous decades. They have been used as synonyms on a structural basis, and both concepts have been studied from various disciplinary backgrounds. This paper identifies Responsible Research and Innovation’s and Responsible Innovation’s shared research topics, knowledge base, and academic organisation as a common ground for scholars to further their individual or joint research. It does so by conducting a keyword analysis and a collaboration analysis, combined with a reference analysis of their academic literature. 2021. 07. 28. view
- Responsible Innovation and De Jure Standardisation: An In-Depth Exploration of Moral Motives, Barriers, and Facilitators Standardisation is increasingly seen as a means to insert ethics in innovation processes. We examine the institutionalisation of responsible innovation in de jure standardisation as this is an important but unexplored research area. In de jure standardisation, stakeholders collaborate in committees to develop standards. We adopt the anticipation, inclusion, reflexivity, and responsiveness responsible innovation framework as our theoretical lens. Our study suggests that responsible standardisation processes should embody forms of these four dimensions. We investigate the institutionalisation of these dimensions and identify 96 factors that can motivate, hinder, or facilitate responsible standardisation. Factors were found through in-depth interviews with managers of a standard developing organisation. These are subsequently validated/rejected using surveys completed by committee representatives. The results suggest that the social desirability of standards is not self-evident. This study could pave the way for future research on responsible standardisation processes, complementing research on legitimacy, responsible innovation, and standardisation. 2022. 12. 07. view
- Open Access analysis of scientific paper publishing of PFNS in the period 2018-2020 Report on the analysis of open access at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She analyzed several elements that can serve as indicators for the publication of scientific production in the Open Access 2018-2020. The methodology of use in this analysis is not standard and is described in the report itself.Report on the analysis of open access at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She analyzed several elements that can serve as indicators for the publication of scientific production in the Open Access 2018-2020. The methodology of use in this analysis is not standard and is described in the report itself. 2022. 01. 27. view
- Co-Change Project Poster 2. This is a dissemination poster about the project presented at the SeeRRI final conference. 2021. 09. 29. NewHoRRIzon online conference view
- Co-Change Project Poster 1. 8 Change Labs, 5 RRI keys on 1 page. This is a brief project overview to show how we initiate and implement changes for the sake of responsible research and innovation 2021. 05. 20. view