2021. 04. 08. | online

State aid for R&D&I

The revision of the Framework for State aid for R&D&I focuses on the following areas:

  1. Improving and updating the existing definitions of research and innovation activities eligible for support under the RDI Framework, in particular, to clarify their applicability with respect to digital technologies and activities related to digitalisation. This aims at providing legal certainty to Member States and stakeholders while facilitating RDI investments that will enable the digital transformation of companies in the EU.
  2. Introducing new provisions to enable public support for technology infrastructures (e.g. facilities, equipment, capabilities and support services required to develop, test and upscale technology, such as testing labs) with a view to incentivise RDI investments in this type of infrastructures. This aims at further enabling the swift development of innovative technologies especially by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and facilitating the green and digital transition of the EU economy.
  3. Simplifying certain rules, for example by introducing a simplified indirect cost calculation methodology for determining the eligible costs, in order to facilitate the practical application of the RDI Framework, where the evaluation has identified possible excessive administrative burden for companies and managing authorities.

Contributions are welcome here: https://ec.europa.eu/competition/consultations/2021_rdi/index_en.html