2021. 11. 18.
UNESCO has adopted the Recommendation on Open Science
The UNESCO recommendation on Open Science has been unanimously adopted in its entirety by Member States during the Science Commission plenary.
In this context, the International Science Council, in its convening role as the global voice for science, has reaffirmed that advocating and advancing open science is fundamental to the work of achieving the Council’s vision of science as a global public good. This journey to the Recommendation on Open Science being adopted has included surveying ISC members that contributed to an ISC discussion paper on Open Science for the 21st Century, convening ISC members at the UNESCO Special Committee meeting on Open Science, in May 2021 resulting in a public statement, contributing more broadly to the discussion with the newly published Science as a Global Public Good position paper, and backed up by a resolution on Open Science and publishing reform passed at the ISC’s recent triennial assembly.
Read the full article here.