2021. 10. 22. A Brief Talk with Martijn Wiarda The Co-Change Lab of the Delft University of Technology explores which factors can motivate, obstruct or facilitate social responsibility in the standardization process, as facilitated by the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN). The analyses allow to set forth recommendations to assist NEN in further improving their services and develop socially desirable standards by transforming the standardization process. The leader of this Co-Change Lab is Martijn Wiarda, and we are talking about the steps they have already made to support NEN in institutionalizing RRI aspects. -
2021. 08. 03. A comprehensive appraisal of responsible research and innovation Responsible Research and Innovation and Responsible Innovation have grown substantially since their birth in the previous decades. They have been used as synonyms on a structural basis, and both concepts have been studied from various disciplinary backgrounds. This paper identifies Responsible Research and Innovation's and Responsible Innovation's shared research topics, knowledge base, and academic organisation as a common ground for scholars to further their individual or joint research. New article with Co-Change partners among the authors. -
2021. 02. 10. Assessment of Resposible Innovation: Methods and Practices Emad Yaghmaei, the Co-Change WP6 leader is the co-editor of a new, open access book on the assessement of responsible innovation.