Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: jumping to 2038
This article contributes to the Responsible Research and Innovation literature in two ways: the authors consider how societal aspects are taken into account in research and innovation activities in four fundamentally different scenarios, as opposed to analysing current practices; and they put the emphasis on the political conditions of the interactions among the actors, as opposed to focussing on RRI principles and instruments.
Date: 2021. 10. 07.
2023. 11. 18. RRIzing Lab works on the transformation of HEIs - CoP Workshop by CATALISI project The Co-Change Labs live on! The RRIzing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture (PFNS), University of Novi Sad, contributed their open access and gender equality insights to a workshop for the transformation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). -
2022. 04. 27. What are we doing in the Change Lab of the University of Novi Sad? The Co-Change Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, focuses on several RRI keys. It is working on the implementation of gender equality, open access, and science education within the faculty. In this visual material, you can see their roadmap towards gender equality at the faculty. -
2022. 01. 18. A Brief Talk with Dejan Beukovic The Co-Change Lab called RRizing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad focuses on several RRI keys. In this interview, we are talking with Dejan Beukovic about the steps that have been made for the implementation of open access aspects at the faculty. -
2021. 09. 07. A Brief Talk with Branislava Lalić The Co-Change Lab called RRIzing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad focuses on several RRI keys. In a previous interview, we introduced how the Lab members worked on gender equality; here, we discuss their open data and science education journey. -
2021. 07. 23. A Brief Talk with Mila Grahovac The Co-Change Lab called RRIzing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad focuses on several RRI keys. In this interview, we are talking with Mila Grahovac about the steps that have been made for the implementation of gender equality at the faculty.