2024. 05. 01. AIT AI Ethics Lab at the Monash University in Australia: The twin transition is taking up speed – yet are we in the driver’s or the passenger’s seat? What happened to the twin transition? Is it helpful to treat digital and sustainability transitions separately? -
2024. 01. 18. FAIR-AI – a new project with the AIT AI Ethics Lab in the lead In our collaborative work between social scientists and software developers within the AIT AI Ethics Lab, we discussed the challenges for software developers in dealing with ethics-related and legal concerns in their daily work. Now, FAIR-AI aims to develop a system to provide them with support. -
2023. 11. 18. RRIzing Lab works on the transformation of HEIs - CoP Workshop by CATALISI project The Co-Change Labs live on! The RRIzing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture (PFNS), University of Novi Sad, contributed their open access and gender equality insights to a workshop for the transformation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). -
2023. 11. 17. AIT AI Ethics Lab cooperates with the Austrian Civil Service: A Practical Guide to Ethical AI in the Public Administration Emerging from the Co-Change project, the AIT AI Ethics Lab was commissioned to create a practical guide for the ethical use of AI in the public administration. -
2023. 10. 03. Responsible Innovation for Wicked Societal Challenges - a dissertation born from Co-Change Innovators are increasingly called upon to help resolve societal challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and social injustice. The complexity, uncertainty, and contestation associated with such wicked problems require them to leverage approaches that help navigate normative and epistemic considerations for decision-making. A large number of scholars and practitioners believe that the procedural approach of Responsible Innovation could offer this. Responsible Innovation aims to align innovations with societal values and worldviews through forms of anticipation, inclusion, reflexivity, and responsiveness. -
2023. 07. 26. Martijn Wiarda, our researcher colleague has been nominated for his efforts for the Standards+Innovation award Our researcher colleague, Martijn Wiarda, working in the Change Lab of NEN (the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute) has been nominated for his efforts for the Standards+Innovation award of CEN-CENELEC. Read an interview with Martijn about the Change Lab of NEN. -
2023. 04. 19. How to make AI programmes ethically sound? - workshop by the AIT AI Ethics Lab Under the title “How to make AI programmes ethically sound” the AIT AI Ethics Lab and the European umbrella organization of innovation agencies TAFTIE conducted a full-day workshop on the 23 rd of March 2023 on the premises of the Austrian Research Funding Agency FFG. 21 participants joined, from research funding organisations spanning from Portugal to the Baltic countries. -
2023. 03. 24. How do you best fund responsible innovation? - podcast We recorded one of the Final Conference sessions of Co-Change - The Role of RRI for RFOs and the Role of RFOs in Shaping Responsibility - for the request of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation. A podcast was made from the recording; now you can listen to it. -
2023. 03. 07. Our RRI solution card collection is out We have collected the good practices and tools that have been found effective during the Co-Change Project to help practitioners apply RRI principles in particular contexts, whether an organisation or a wider institutional system. Check out our RRI solution cards. -
2023. 03. 06. The Future of RRI Beyond Europe - video We recorded one of the hybrid sessions of our Final Conference that took place on 7 February 2023. The “Future of RRI beyond Europe” was discussed by Erik Fisher (Arizona State University, USA), Penny Haworth (South Africa), Justine Lacey (CSIRO, Australia), and Dafna Feinholz (UNESCO) and moderated by Peter Biegelbauer (AIT) and Caroline Lackinger (Co-Change project). Listen to this inspiring discussion. -
2023. 02. 15. Embedded, necessary, meaningful – are these ingredients sufficient for a sustainable RRI future? Responsible research and innovation (RRI) has been around for more than a decade. A wealth of know-how on its implementation has accumulated over the years, but the RRI still faces considerable challenges. The 3rd RRI Roundtable Meeting on the 1st of December 2022 gathered experienced RRI researchers around a virtual table to consider the prospects of RRI. Participants shared their viewpoints on the future challenges and opportunities of RRI, and this discussion crystallized in two aspects how to ensure that RRI continues to create an impact also in the future. -
2023. 02. 08. We celebrated our final conference We could welcome around 100 participants (in person and online) at our final conference held in the historical downtown of Budapest, Hungary. Over 30 speakers joined us from the Co-Change Project community and beyond, from Europe and beyond. We didn't discuss only the project's outcomes but several inspiring and insightful issues related to RRI. -
2023. 02. 06. Co-Change Final Conference We are going to celebrate our final conference in Budapest, Hungary, on the 6th and 7th of February, 2023. Join us online or in person in the historical downtown of Budapest. -
2023. 01. 13. How to boost responsible funding – exchange trip from Tampere to Vienna December 2022 started with a great learning experience, as Tiina from the Council of Tampere Region, Finland visited Co-Change project partners in Vienna, Austria. Because of the long COVID years, this was the first time to meet face-to-face. The two research-funding partners of our project met to discuss how to introduce accountability into research funding. -
2022. 11. 07. The Co-Change animation video was presented! Our animation video is about the basic RRI aspects and the possible institutionalisation of responsibility. Take 4 minutes to watch it. -
2022. 10. 18. Conference on Open Science Science Europe invites institutional leaders, researchers at all stages of their careers, and experts from the field to join its Conference on Open Science to discuss two key questions: Is Open Science ready to become the norm in research? How do we ensure this becomes an equitable transition? To find answers to these questions, the conference will provide a comprehensive overview of practical and policy initiatives, research assessment reforms, and financial measures that support the transition to Open Science. We will also look forward at new and emerging trends. -
2022. 10. 18. A video about the AIT AI Ethics Lab is available The AIT AI Ethics Lab supports AI software developers and users in thinking together about questions of privacy, data protection, discrimination, transparency and ethics in general. The Lab’s mission is to answer the question: How do you create ethically designed software with beneficial outcomes for society? Learn more about the lab by looking at a recently made video. -
2022. 10. 03. What are we doing in the Co-Change Lab of the Council of Tampere Region? The Co-Change Lab at the Council of Tampere Region focuses on developing regional funding to improve responsibility and sustainability. -
2022. 09. 21. What are we doing in the AI Ethics Lab of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)? The Co-Change Lab at AIT, the Austrian Institute of Technology, focuses on addressing the promises and challenges associated with research work on and the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence. An interdisciplinary team of social and data scientists is working on AI ethics. -
2022. 08. 15. Of “Lighthouses’, ‘Living Labs’ and the ‘Wisdom of the Crowd’ - Social responsibility beyond research and teaching (an NGO perspective) There is a broad consensus that research and innovation (R&I) must be steered towards socially desirable ends, ensuring that science and technology are the driving forces behind social progress. This puts the current R&I system under increasing pressure to become more inclusive and responsive to current and future societal challenges. Although the critical issues of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) have been gaining academic awareness and political support as tools to move European R&I governance forward, there is broad recognition that the engagement of civil society organisations and citizens has been suboptimal in defining R&I priorities. -
2022. 08. 05. Our Idea Competition’s winner visited Tecnalia The CTS/C!S Project „DEBIAS - Digitally Eliminating Bias In Applicant Selection“ placed first in our Idea Competition. Representing the CTS, Florian Cech visited Tecnalia - one of our Change Labs in Bilbao, Spain for a one-day workshop and guided tour. The visit was focused on an exchange of ideas on responsible research and innovation (RRI) and interdisciplinarity in technology development, and to gain insights into Tecnalia’s RRI-related activities and organisational transformations. -
2022. 08. 04. Challenges in the implementation of RRI across Horizon 2020 In the last decade, the European Commission developed an ambitious strategy to promote RRI across the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This effort resulted in a significant number of European-funded projects that substantially expanded the available knowledge of the theory, methods and implementation of RRI. However, various evaluations and studies revealed a limited and diffuse implementation of the concept. In this article, we aim to shed some light on this matter with a study covering eight programme lines of H2020. -
2022. 07. 31. Best practice in responsible innovation and respecting Indigenous data sovereignty Researchers of Australia’s national scientific research agency, CSIRO, are working together with indigenous people on many issues. Co-design methodologies and collaborative approaches support good ways of working together so that sharing and learning across Western and Indigenous science might take place. In this blogpost they talk about an example how they work with and rely on Indigenous data, information and knowledge in a responsible way. -
2022. 07. 19. Trying to Implement RRI: Public Engagment Activities within the NewHoRRIzon Project Public engagement (PE) is a challenge for each researcher and research organization given professional and financial requirements and pressures. But to add to this challenge, public engagement is also an ambiguous and multi-faceted term that can mean engagement with the public on different levels, on different topics and with very different means. Our sounding board member, Erich Griessler delivered a talk about the PE activities of the NewHoRRIzon Project for the GRIPP Project which is available now on Youtube. -
2022. 06. 24. New Project of the AIT AI Ethics Lab on "Digital Administration and Ethics" Digitalisation is both an opportunity and a challenge for the civil service. Digital solutions for administrative routines - for example in the area of personnel and knowledge management – promise to make work easier. However, these may be offset by the risk of restricting the personal rights of employees and citizens when using AI applications. To support the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, the AIT AI Ethics Lab runs a workshop series on digitalisation and ethics with civil servants, NGOs and scientists. -
2022. 06. 12. What are we doing in the Change Lab of the Vienna Science and Technology Fund? The Co-Change Lab at the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) is working on the implementation of a new open science policy within the organisation. -
2022. 06. 08. The past, present and future of RRI - Resbios Podcast In the RRI explained podcast, produced by Resbios Project, Dr. phil. René von Schomberg discusses the role of RRI and citizen science in bioscience research. And, first and foremost, the past, present and future of RRI! -
2022. 05. 20. How Should Public Administrations Foster the Ethical Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence? Recent advances in AI raise questions about its social impacts and implementation. In response, governments and public administrations seek to develop adequate governance frameworks to mitigate risks and maximize the potential of AI development and use. Such work largely deals with questions of how challenges and risks should be managed, which values and goals should be pursued, and through which institutional mechanisms and principles these goals could be achieved. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review of the existing literature on the development of AI governance for public administration. -
2022. 05. 19. How Should Public Administrations Foster the Ethical Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence? Recent advances in AI raise questions about its social impacts and implementation. In response, governments and public administrations seek to develop adequate governance frameworks to mitigate risks and maximize the potential of AI development and use. Such work largely deals with questions of how challenges and risks should be managed, which values and goals should be pursued, and through which institutional mechanisms and principles these goals could be achieved. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review of the existing literature on the development of AI governance for public administration. -
2022. 04. 27. What are we doing in the Change Lab of the University of Novi Sad? The Co-Change Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, focuses on several RRI keys. It is working on the implementation of gender equality, open access, and science education within the faculty. In this visual material, you can see their roadmap towards gender equality at the faculty. -
2022. 04. 25. Opening the RRI approach toward medium-sized companies - interview One of the associated partners of the Co-Change Project is a Spanish company, QiArrow, which works closely with the Change Lab of Tecnalia, a Spanish applied research and development center. We ask Juan De Blas Pombo, chief executive officer of QiArrow, about the outcomes of their collaboration. -
2022. 03. 30. A Brief Talk with Santtu Lehtinen and Henri Wiman Q&A with Work Package 4 leaders about the modelling process of the implementation and institutionalization of the RRI keys in organizations. -
2022. 03. 27. How listening to the community is helping to safeguard the environment We are helping to support informed decision-making when it comes to safeguarding environmental values in the Beetaloo and Cooper geological basins of Australia. To help decision-makers assess future development proposals, to better understand where to look more closely and where risks are of low concern, the Australian Government brought in science. -
2022. 01. 19. A Brief Talk with Peter Biegelbauer on the AIT AI Ethics Lab Peter Biegelbauer, the consortium leader of the Co-Change Project, together with his colleagues launched the AIT AI Ethics Lab, a Co-Change Lab, which provides an institutionalised space to reflect on the ethics of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this way, an interdisciplinary channel of communication and exchange has been established between technological experts and social scientists. He talks in this interview about the challenges they work on in the AI Ethics Lab. -
2022. 01. 18. A Brief Talk with Dejan Beukovic The Co-Change Lab called RRizing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad focuses on several RRI keys. In this interview, we are talking with Dejan Beukovic about the steps that have been made for the implementation of open access aspects at the faculty. -
2022. 01. 16. First Quantum Computing Guidelines Launched as Investment Booms Quantum computing may be at an early stage of development, but it is witnessing massive public investments and huge growth in venture capital financing. The technology has the potential to transform industries and solve society’s most pressing problems. However, the ethical, societal and legal impact and risks of quantum computing are just starting to be discussed, and no global “guidelines” yet exist. The report of the World Economic Forum lays out the first set of principles for the responsible design and adoption of quantum computing technologies to drive positive outcomes for society. -
2022. 01. 16. Embedding Sustainability in Academia: Deans as Change Makers - webinar recording The GUNi network, in the framework of the DECODE Project, hosted the open webinar 'Embedding Sustainability in Academia: Deans as Change Makers', targeted at Higher Education Institution (HEI) deans and academics and those who are interested in the topic of Sustainable Development (SD) in HEI academic units. -
2022. 01. 10. Podcasts on RRI The ResBios Project has launched a podcast series about RRI and biosciences. Through a series of podcast interviews with key project leaders and some animated short videos, it is explained why each of the key pillars of RRI are important, and how by adressing these issues we can build a better relationships between science and society. -
2021. 12. 17. What Open Innovation can and cannot offer the science of science Scholars across disciplines increasingly hear calls for more open and collaborative approaches to scientific research. The concept of Open Innovation in Science (OIS) provides a framework that integrates dispersed research efforts aiming to understand the antecedents, contingencies, and consequences of applying open and collaborative research practices. While the OIS framework has already been taken up by science of science scholars, its conceptual underpinnings require further specification. -
2021. 12. 16. A Brief Talk with Tiina Ramstedt-Sen The Finnish Council of Tampere Region (CTR) is an authority responsible for regional development. Among other issues, CTR finances innovations in the region, it funds universities, municipalities, research institutes but not private companies. The Co-Change Lab of the Council was established to make funding responsible. The leader of this process is Tiina Ramstedt-Sen, who works as a senior advisor at CTR. Her vision is to create a mental change in the field of innovation in the region. -
2021. 11. 30. Ljubljana declaration on gender equality aims to redress imbalance in research and innovation As the latest data underline the extent of the gender gap, leading figures debate what to do about the loss of talent this represents. A declaration backed by member states blames ‘outdated gender norms’ and ‘unfair hierarchies and power structures’. -
2021. 11. 29. Enabling open science and societal engagement in research This report presents insights and recommendations from a workshop held on 1 July 2021 attended by beneficiaries of the Science with and for Society (SwafS) Responsible Research and Innovation institutional change portfolio of projects funded under Horizon 2020 and the initial group of European University Alliances under the European Universities Initiative that received funding under the SwafS programme. Participants discussed how open science and societal engagement could be enabled to become the norm in research performing organisations across the European Research Area, with a particular focus on universities. -
2021. 11. 22. Have a look at our Change Labs! Our project established 8 Co-Change Labs at research performing and research funding organisations, and at universities. They are organisational spaces for building transformative capacity and leadership in the areas of RRI. In this interview series you can read the story of each lab by meeting the lab-leaders. -
2021. 11. 18. Funders need to credit open science Researchers are increasingly expected to pursue open science in the form of open-access publication and data sharing. To help promote this movement, the Dutch Research Council set up an Open Science Fund for research projects that are specifically designed to stimulate open-science practices. -
2021. 11. 18. UNESCO has adopted the Recommendation on Open Science The UNESCO recommendation on Open Science has been unanimously adopted in its entirety by Member States during the Science Commission plenary. -
2021. 10. 29. Organizational patterns of RRI: how organizational properties relate to RRI implementation In this article, we explore the connectedness of RRI profiles and organizational properties of 188 European higher education institutions (HEIs). Empirically we identify three distinct clusters of HEIs in terms of their RRI profile. One cluster is characterized by low RRI uptake, while the other two employ a range of RRI policies and procedures related to gender equality, ethics and public engagement. We find that the RRI active clusters were organizationally very alike, characterized by a rather high degree of research intensity and impact, multi-disciplinary orientation, active participation in Horizon 2020. -
2021. 10. 22. A Brief Talk with Martijn Wiarda The Co-Change Lab of the Delft University of Technology explores which factors can motivate, obstruct or facilitate social responsibility in the standardization process, as facilitated by the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN). The analyses allow to set forth recommendations to assist NEN in further improving their services and develop socially desirable standards by transforming the standardization process. The leader of this Co-Change Lab is Martijn Wiarda, and we are talking about the steps they have already made to support NEN in institutionalizing RRI aspects. -
2021. 10. 21. Engaging in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning What does Public Engagement of Artificial Intelligence might look like? What perceptions are we handling? Artificial intelligence is a complex subject, which more often than not, happens within a black box. Lest we forget that most of the research in this discipline is carried out by transnational companies, whose ultimate aim is to see the public as users, and not as co producers. We, as communicators, have a real challenge before us. In this article four approaches are reviewed to public engagement with AI and reflects on the need to ensure its human-centred development. -
2021. 10. 13. What Europeans think about science and technology? A new Eurobarometer survey on ‘European citizens' knowledge and attitudes towards science and technology' shows that 9 in 10 EU citizens (86%) think that the overall influence of science and technology is positive. They expect a range of technologies currently under development to have a positive effect on our way of life in the next 20 years. -
2021. 10. 13. Changing the research and innovation system through democratic experimentation: a guide to good practices for RRI Want to improve research & innovation? Want to learn about how to do this through participatory experiments? The NewHoRRIzon Project released a guide to good practices with lessons & narratives on 4 years of experimentation with RRI in social labs across Europe. -
2021. 10. 07. Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: jumping to 2038 This article contributes to the Responsible Research and Innovation literature in two ways: the authors consider how societal aspects are taken into account in research and innovation activities in four fundamentally different scenarios, as opposed to analysing current practices; and they put the emphasis on the political conditions of the interactions among the actors, as opposed to focussing on RRI principles and instruments. -
2021. 09. 29. Participatory agenda setting for research and innovation - collection The SpringerOpen Portfolio has published a review of the literature on theory and practice of participatory agenda setting for research and innovation (PASE) in the Journal of Futures Research. It summarises the topical collection’s contributions regarding current international cases and analyses respective PASE limits and benefits, thereby promoting its conceptual and practical understanding. -
2021. 09. 27. Open access online learning programmes on Responsible and Sustainable Innovation The University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) together with the Tampere University (Tampere, Finland), Kozminsiki University (Varsovia, Polonia), Notus (Barcelona, Spain) and INGOs (Varsovia, Polonia), has developed an open access learning programme on responsible and sustainable Innovation within the framework of the Erasmus+ project RRIL. -
2021. 09. 24. Co-creation for Responsible Research and Innovation This open access book summarizes research being pursued within the SISCODE (Society in Innovation and Science through CO-DEsign) project, funded by the EU under the H2020 programme, the goal of which is to set up an analytical, reflective and learning framework to explore the transformations in initiatives and policies emerging from the interaction between citizens and stakeholders. The book provides a critical analysis of the co-design processes activated in 10 co-creation labs addressing societal challenges across Europe. -
2021. 09. 15. A Brief Talk with Tecnalia’s Change Lab The Change Lab of the Spanish applied research and development centre, Tecnalia, was established to start the institutional discourse of responsible innovation. The so-called Shape Lab aims to systematically introduce and implement RRI principles in the functioning, contributing to developing practice policies and understanding this concept. We are talking about the steps they made on the long road towards organizational changes with three members of the Lab, Ezekiela Arrizabalaga, Antonia Bierwirth, Lucia Polo. -
2021. 09. 14. Preprint advocates must also fight for research integrity Efforts to share research with the public must include mechanisms to prevent harm resulting from low-quality work.The case for releasing preprints is clear: results from scientific studies are made more quickly and more broadly available. Overall, greater sharing and transparency boosts trustworthiness and collaboration. But efforts to promote preprints without simultaneously implementing firm measures to ensure that the research is of high quality put the cart before the horse. All proponents of open science should have two responsibilities: to promote practices such as preprint publication, and to prevent them from doing harm. Article from nature.com. -
2021. 09. 13. Sweden created a government agency to handle research-misconduct investigations In most countries, universities and research institutions deal with misconduct allegations in-house, which can lead to some cases not being handled fairly or transparently. Sweden followed Denmark — the first country in the world to set up such an agency, in 2017 — in a bid to shake up research-fraud probes.The newly formed government organization tackled 46 research-fraud investigations in 2020 — three times as many as expected. An article form nature.com. -
2021. 09. 08. The European Science Media Hub about Co-Change The European Science Media Hub has published an article about our project and the changes we want to achieve. They interviewed one of the leaders of our lab at the University of Novi Sad, Branislava Lalic, and Sven Schlarb, scientist who is working with our lab established at the Austrian Institute of Technology. -
2021. 09. 08. A Brief Talk with Nina Rilla The Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) is one of the major players and influencers in Finland in the field of autonomous systems. In their lab called RAAS (Rethinking Autonomy and Safety) they are creating standardised practices and defining core values for new technology. We are talking about VTT’s activities with Nina Rilla, senior scientist of the organisation. -
2021. 09. 08. An unfinished journey? Reflections on a decade of responsible research and innovation In this article, the authors reflect on a decade of Responsible Research and Innovation as a discourse emerging from the European Commission 10 years ago. They discuss the foundations for RRI, its emergence during the Seventh Framework programme and its subsequent evolution during Horizon 2020. They discuss how an original vision for RRI became framed around five so-called ‘keys’: gender, open access, science communication, ethics and public engagement. -
2021. 09. 07. 81% of Horizon 2020 papers were published in open access journals More than 80% of scientific papers stemming from Horizon 2020 funded projects were published in open access journals, according to the European Commission in a new report. It shows 86% of publications based on projects funded through the excellent science pillar in Horizon 2020 were published in open access journals. The highest rates of open access publication were in projects funded through the European Research Council (ERC) and the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme, where rates were over 88%. -
2021. 09. 07. A Brief Talk with Branislava Lalić The Co-Change Lab called RRIzing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad focuses on several RRI keys. In a previous interview, we introduced how the Lab members worked on gender equality; here, we discuss their open data and science education journey. -
2021. 09. 06. How open is your research? Science is stronger when we work together—across distance, discipline and career stage. Open Science creates opportunities for both an expanded scientific record and broader participation in scientific discourse overall. But how often can you demonstrate Openness in your research? Find out how well you practice Open Science and get tips on how you can develop your skills - online research. -
2021. 08. 28. New CO-operations for CO-Change In addition to the institutional changes we are working on in our Change Labs we would like to inspire and help institutional changes beyond the project’s boundaries. For that reason we made an international call for innovative RRI practices. -
2021. 08. 03. A comprehensive appraisal of responsible research and innovation Responsible Research and Innovation and Responsible Innovation have grown substantially since their birth in the previous decades. They have been used as synonyms on a structural basis, and both concepts have been studied from various disciplinary backgrounds. This paper identifies Responsible Research and Innovation's and Responsible Innovation's shared research topics, knowledge base, and academic organisation as a common ground for scholars to further their individual or joint research. New article with Co-Change partners among the authors. -
2021. 07. 23. Responsible research assessment faces the acid test The University of Liverpool is planning to make lay-offs on the basis of controversial measures. How should the global movement for responsible research respond? - read the editorial appeared on Nature's portal. -
2021. 07. 23. A Brief Talk with Mila Grahovac The Co-Change Lab called RRIzing Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad focuses on several RRI keys. In this interview, we are talking with Mila Grahovac about the steps that have been made for the implementation of gender equality at the faculty. -
2021. 07. 05. A Brief Talk with Donia Lasinger Donia Lasinger, deputy managing director of Vienna Science and Technology Fund, is talking about the way gender equality and open science are being implemented to the funding guidelines of a small RFO. -
2021. 07. 04. Taking knowledge production seriously in responsible research and innovation Responsible research and innovation (RRI) has been the preferred idiom for interrogating the social, ethical and political dimensions of science, technology and innovation for roughly a decade. The uptake of RRI into prominent policy organisations has resulted in a proliferation of policy frameworks as policy makers have attempted to articulate what it means for them to enact RRI. Here, Robert D.J. Smith, Zara Thokozani Kamwendo, Anja Berndt and Jamie Parkin draw on their experience developing an RRI framework in the ERA Cofund on Biotechnology. -
2021. 07. 04. Improvisation as Responsible Innovation in Organizations Improvisation might be seen as a method of responsible innovation in organizations, due to its potential to be more responsive and enable bottom-up initiative. Considering that improvising involves the ability to pivot we argue that enhancing entrepreneurial orientation of existing firms means that their entrepreneurial behaviors can be also displayed in more responsible manner. The paper aims at investigating the influence of improvisation on entrepreneurial orientation (EO). The paper of Milena Gojny-Zbierowska and Przemysław Zbierowski. -
2021. 04. 30. IDEA COMPETITION We call innovators (individuals, teams and organisations) from all over the world to come up with solutions tackling the SDGs or the societal challenges defined by the EC through an ecosystem approach. Any ideas that create change in terms of practices, procedures, routines or rules along the research cycle are very welcome. -
2021. 04. 29. Open Access Monitoring This briefing paper provides recommendations on the three main questions an organisation should answer to develop a monitoring exercise: Why, What, and How? -
2021. 04. 21. Focus on WPs In a series of blog posts, we introduce our Co-Changers, the WP leads who are behind our project machinery. -
2021. 04. 20. A Brief Talk with Petra Wagner Q&A with the leader of Work Package 2 about how to bind our change labs together in a mutually beneficial co-change platform. -
2021. 04. 08. State aid for R&D&I A public consultation about the review of the Communication on the Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation has been launched. All citizens, organisations, companies, and public authorities are welcome to contribute. -
2021. 02. 20. Is Artificial Intelligence Undermining the Basis of Democracy? Our project leader, Peter Biegelbauer is talking in a presentation about the impacts of artificial intelligence on democracy, the welfare state, liberty and equality. And also about the solutions for the negative side effects of artificial intelligence. -
2021. 02. 20. The Future of Open Science Do you have a visionary look into how the world will look like if the research process is fully transparent? Did you think of how to improve academic conferences, research data, access to scholarly publishing, research, open research and commercialization? Here is a call for you. -
2021. 02. 19. A Brief Talk with Justine Lacey What is the actual state of RRI in Australia? Is the concept of RRI already a part of the national science strategy? Does the industry apply the concept of RRI in Australia? -
2021. 02. 15. A Brief Talk with Antonia Bierwirth Many organizations are in a situation where they need to re-invent and re-define their value creation logic from the perspective of social expectations. However, this is a complex process and leaders are dealing with dilemmas between efficiency and flexibility, ethics and profit, competition and collaboration. -
2021. 02. 10. Assessment of Resposible Innovation: Methods and Practices Emad Yaghmaei, the Co-Change WP6 leader is the co-editor of a new, open access book on the assessement of responsible innovation. -
2021. 02. 02. A Brief Talk with René von Schomberg Can research become more productive in terms of delivering on socially desirable outcomes? -
2021. 02. 01. "It is incumbent upon us to shape technologies in ways that are responsible" Interview with Richard Owen, Professor at the University of Bristol's School of Economics, Finance and Management. He is one of the authors of the groundbreaking publication “Developing a framework for responsible innovation”. -
2021. 01. 12. The Science of Citizen Science A new open-access book, ‘The Science of Citizen Science’, is now available. Published by Springer, it features contributions from more than 100 authors, including several ECSA staff and members. -
2021. 01. 08. Journal of Responsible Innovation Journal of Responsible Innovation is now a fully #OpenAccess journal. All volumes and issues are now free to read, and all future articles will be Open Access. -
2021. 01. 04. Institutional Change for RRI A call for paper to the special issue of 'The Learning Organization' which aims to bridge the gap between RRI and the learning organization/organizational learning. Which institutional changes make RRI a reality? What is the role of organizational learning in this change process? -
2020. 12. 01. A Brief Talk with Emad Yaghmaei Assessing the performance of the Co-Change Labs against RRI principles, reflecting on whether we walk the talk. -
2020. 12. 01. A Brief Talk with Mika Nieminen Contextualising the implementation of RRI requires clarification of organizational self-understanding and reflexivity. -
2020. 10. 05. Insights on Co-Change impact on research and innovation in research funding and performing organisations We invited our partners, innovation ecosystem actors and stakeholders, Advisory and Sounding Board members for a Forum to co-create possible futures and impressionistic visions for 2035 about the four most pressing praxis fields of the Co-Change labs. -
2020. 09. 29. Co-Change – the first online Forum Visioning exercise with Co-Change consortium and its supporting partners, including the Co-Change Labs and their innovation ecosystem partners, the Advisory and Sounding Board members. -
2020. 08. 19. Project on legal, ethical and social consequences of research and innovation launched The project Co-Create Change in Research Funding and Performing Organisations (CO-CHANGE) has been launched. -
2020. 08. 18. Co-Change mission Co-Change is an EU-funded H2020 project, running between February 2020 and January 2023, under the SwafS-05-2018-2019 call (Grounding RRI practices in research and innovation funding and performing organisations).