The Co-Change Lab of the Convergence Resilience Delta focuses on tackling today’s global societal challenges, especially in the delta regions, which are home to more than two-thirds of the world’s largest cities and are at risk from rising sea levels owing to their geographical location. The Resilient Delta initiative works in an interdisciplinary way in the academic field, collaborating with societal partners to design resilience solutions for the real-world dynamics of our living lab, the Rotterdam delta. TU Delft is providing new RRI tools for the Convergence Resilience Delta which might both enhance the social desirability of their work, and allow them to more effectively address relevant societal challenges through their associated research and innovation.
The Resilient Delta Initiative is one of the three main pillars of the Convergence: a collaboration between TU Delft, Erasmus University and Erasmus Medical Centre. We bring together science, policy, industry and society in an open-minded environment, as enabler for co-creating innovative solutions for a more resilient delta. We aim for global impact by acting local in our home base, the Rotterdam Delta.
Over the last year we have grown our organization and launched several flagship projects: SPRING, Redesigning Delta’s, DE-RISC, GLUON and DigiPACT. We offer funding support, a podium to transdisciplinary research/education and an external network to connect impact-driven initiatives. By doing so, we strive to broaden our efforts and facilitate societal impact-driven to researchers and staff.